From the information I have gathered, I can tell that the amount of females to males that read regional magazines is fairly even. This indicates to me that regional magazines include articles that are found appealing to both males and females and that I should follow the codes and conventions of a typical regional style magazine similar to what Surrey Life have done and this should result in my magazine being appealing to all.
Most people thought that it was quite a nice idea; to relate the magazine front cover picture to the season that the magazine issue is released in. So if I was to release a November issue it would be nice to get a winters scene of somewhere within Surrey. But I plan to only do this for one issue each season and choosing a famous land mark or scene would be a good idea for the other 2 issues each season; this is due to my regional magazine being released on a monthly basis.
Through my research that I carried out I have discovered that the majority of people who will read the monthly issues of regional magazines fall between the ages of 41-63 +. I believe the reasoning behind this is due to the fact that the people that fall into this age bracket, enjoy reading about what goes on in their country and can spend days out joining in; in activities in the local area. Also a large amount of the people may also be retired or only work part time therefore like to read up on what is available for them to do in their local surroundings.
When asking people how often they buy an issue of regional magazines that are sold in stores most people answered that they buy an issue once month; (occasionally) some people answered that they only by an issue once every few months. Nobody said that they would buy a regional magazine on a daily or weekly basis. So therefore I think it is a good idea to release a magazine on a monthly basis.
I asked people the question; ‘what masthead (title) would you like to be on the front of the magazine?’ The most popular answer was to call my magazine: Surrey Living. When asking people why they thought this was a good choice they said because you know exactly what you are going to be getting through only reading the title.
I also discovered from my market research that most people would be willing to pay between £2.00 - £3.50. As regional magazines are quite specific and specialized and therefore it is acceptable to charge a slightly higher price.
The majority of people who answered my questionnaire said that they like to know what is going on in a number of areas throughout Surrey including everything that was written on the options circle list:
· Local Landmarks
· Tour Dates
· Exhibitions
· Open Days
· Festival Tickets
· Recent Events
· Out & About Activities
· Food & Drink (Restaurant Reviews)
When your favorite magazine releases a new issue how do you normally hear about it? The majority of people who answered this question said that they about new issues from a range of sources. The most popular choice is through Television and Internet advertisement; there are also sometimes billboards and posters stuck up within town centers mainly that is also a good way of targeting people.
They told me that they like to see bright colours to catch their eye, but that aren’t to busy that they hurt your eyes. The audience filling out the questionnaire didn’t mind what font was on the front cover, but something that would be appealing and interesting.
People commented that they generally don’t take notice of the writing style that is on magazines; and the only way that they do normally take a notice is if it is in bold and stands out against the rest of the writing.
The double page spread design often relates to what is on the front cover; and the people who answered my questionnaire said that this would be a good idea for my regional magazine that I will be making.